At Ziur Composites we have received financial support for our Research and Development project “Integration and manufacturing of a prototype of the hyperloop propulsion system using a turbojet and an electric vehicle powertrain” (INNEST/2021/178), through the program of Strategic Projects in cooperation with the Valencian Agency for Innovation.
The main objective of the HL-Powertrain project is the implementation of a functional prototype and a digital twin of the hyperloop propulsion system using a turbojet and an electric vehicle powertrain for its validation. The results of the project will have an application in the spectrum of electric mobility, especially high power. At Ziur Composites we are working on the development of this project together with Zeleros, Hybrid Energy Storage, the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) and the Centro de Motores Térmicos de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

100% of this strategic project has been financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aimed at strengthening and developing the Valencian Innovation System for the improvement of the productive model framed in the 2020-2023 agenda.
From Ziur we thank the support of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencian Agency for Innovation, and we maintain our commitment to creating a lighter and more sustainable future through composite materials.